Agni karma

Agnikarma (Thermal Cautery) is an Ancient Medical Technique derived from the Indian system of medicine, . The technique of Agnikarma has been designed to relieve various muscular and joint disorders.

The Agnikarma (Thermal Cautery) involves a procedure whereby heat is transferred to the affected parts of the body using a metal Shalaka (metal rod).

The Agnikama (Thermal Cautery) has been described in the Ayurvedic literature of Sushruta Samhita, which is written by the legendary Vedic Indian Surgeon Sushruta, often referred to as the father of surgery, where he has described Agnikarma’s effect on disorders of Asthi (bone), Sandhi (joint) and Snayu (ligament/tendon).

Agnikarma is effective in conditions like Knee pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, Lumbar spondylosis, Slipped Disc, Neck pain, Cervical Spondylosis, Osteoarthritis, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), Heel pain, Planter fasciitis, Myofascial pain, Chronic fatigue pain, Tendonitis, Frozen shoulder, Migraine etc. can all be treated with the help of Agnikarma (Thermal Cautery) treatment.

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